Sunday, 20 October 2013


Title: interactive architecture
To identify the impact of interactive architecture toward user
To study how interactive technology can be incorporated with space
To discover the benefit of the interactive architecture toward user
To investigate how interactive architecture help user

What is interactive architecture?
Aim and objective
Chapter 1: A brief history
Interactive Architecture has been around for a long time dating back to the 1960’s, only as recently as the early 1990s, did interactive architecture begin to take a foothold as the ideas became both technologically and economically feasible
Interactive Architecture including: “intelligent environments,” “responsive environments,” “smart architecture,” and “soft space.”
Chapter 2: benefit of the aesthetic of interior and exterior
Human nervous system experience beauty, brain light up. Culture and experience has a significant role. Other quality that plays a significant role is girds, zigzags, spirals and curves.
The opportunity to create that vital first impression
Enhance the curb appeal of their residence and increase its resale value
Explore new design directions
As visually pleasing
Protecting the health, safety
Chapter 3:Interactive Architecture now has a defined aesthetic
Electroland – Enteractive
The project integrates many fields of interactive LED tiles which are placed into the ground or wall. When people interact on them, they automatically start working and create a fantastic red-light ambiance
Kinetic Façade-Brisbane Domestic Terminal Car Park
The entire eastern side of the building will ripple fluidly with the wind, which activates 250.000 suspended aluminum panels. With the wind in Brisbane changing frequently, the patterns will respond quite fast and the façade will be a direct interface between the building and the natural environment
The bridge is illuminated in three different colors based of human movement geometry. This transforms a rigid bridge into a fluid entity which attracts many visitors.
Interactive sculpture- Lulu Guinness created this human-sized pin toy as part of Clerkenwell Design Week in the UK and placed the interactive sculpture for passers-by to have fun with. Passers-by were encouraged to step up to the screen and press their bodies against the pins to set an image of themselves. Inevitably, many cheeky ideas, like the one above, were floated
Chapter 4: When interative technology become part of aesthetic design for space
We humans have this great evolutionary trait that allows us to quickly adapt and become accustomed to new environments and scenarios. When interactive become part of the design, it is possible to create four dimension designs by adding motion and effects to their creation to make it more unique and special. Therefore, with the interactive architecture, it can handle human capasity of boredom and bring something unique and interesting part to architecture
Sociological and physiological implication
Sense of space- provide a unique sense of space heightened, changing in size and shape
Control of space- when user has the ability to control and adjust a space
Attachment to space- when the space becomes interactive
Sense of sound- noise become a design issue
Sense of smell-smell can evoke strong emotional reaction
Chapter 5: How Can Interactive Architecture Help People?
Changing human behavior, emotion, or mood
Positive or negative
Happy, nervous, angry, frightened, unhappy, upset, confused, curiosity
User happy when enjoy with interactive technology
Be a learning tool
            Three main learning styles
            -haptic learners, learn through doing thing, moving around and by hand-on activities.
            -visual learners, learn by seeing things, such as photos and images
            -auditory learners, learn through hearing sounds and words
Social engagement to educational benefits- learning combined with entertainment experiences
Chapter 6: interactive implemented into space
How it work?
Interactive architecture = architect + industrial design+ computer programing+ engineering & physical computing

Inputs such as camera tracking, an array of simple sensors and similar outputs such as data projectors, speakers, lighting etc are used

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

-The aim
To identify the benefit and impact of interactive technology in architecture toward user

- The objective
To study how technology can be incorporated with space
To discover the benefit of the interactive system toward user
To investigate the impact of interactive system toward user

        What is interactive technology ?
        Aim and objective
        Brief the issue and problems
Chapter 1: mechanical principles of adaption
thin lcd, smart fabrics, thin air projection, holographic projection
        Effect- Different volume create different type of effect
Chapter 2: Sociological and phychological implication
sense of space- provide a unique sense of space heightened, changinf in size and shape
control of space- when user have the ability to control and adjust a space
attachment to space- when the space become interactive
sense of sound- noise become a design issue
sense of smell-smell can evoke strong emotional reaction

Chapter 3: benefit of interactive architecture
        facilitate lifestyle and behaviors and influence- lighting, smell and acoustics
        space more dynamic when adopting technology
        social angagement to educational benefits- learning combined with entertainment experiences
public enviroment- comunication, ability to share about this interactive system by comunication
human behavior- conversation between users and the system
Chapter 4: how interactive technology impact user
adaptability- changing the size, colour, shape, location
case study 1: berjaya time square piano staircase and liquid floor tile
-to discover the benefit of the interactive system toward user
-to study on human behavior, happy, angry toward interactive system
case study 2: instalation on KBU staircase
-To get respond from user either taking lift or getting the staircase after instalation being install
-To get respond on human behavior
-impact from this instalation toward user
Chapter 5: The impact to enviroment
energy consumption- heating, ventilation , and 
air conditioning. solution, embrace the use of wind power, solar energy, wave energy and geothermal energy

Sunday, 29 September 2013

Architecture and interior space become more animated when incorporated with technology

The Human Capacity for Boredom & Its Implications on Happiness

We humans have this great evolutionary trait that allows us to quickly adapt and become accustomed to new environments and scenarios. For prehistoric man, I’m sure this helped a lot. For instance a thunderstorm would only terrifying the first time it was experienced.
But for modern man, this concept means one thing: we get bored easily. Or maybe a better way to say it is we get used to things very quickly. Marriages turn ugly, lottery winners commit suicide, and that “exciting promotion” just doesn’t do it for you anymore.

Our country has become more advanced due to the

improvement of technology in this modern era. Today,

technology enables the creation of products which 

are more sophisticated as compared to before. In this 


century, people are more inclined towards using newer and 

trendy products because they are often turned off by out of 

season goods, and as such, up-to-date and cutting-edge 

products are invented to suit the needs of the general 

public. Besides that, technology today facilitate the product 

users' life to be much easier. In addition to that, it also 

creates something amusing and intriguing which can be 

suited for other purposes. As compared to the older 

generation, products normally have only a particular 

function, but due to the existence of modern technology, 

these products are transformed into goods which have dual-

function which has a multi purpose ability. In the present 

day, our generation has the ability to accommodate to a 

current environment in a short period of time, and once 


occurs, they become disinterested, fatigue, sick and tired of 

it. Therefore, inventors have to resourceful and alert in order 

to develop a more advance and brand new product. This is 

not an exception for designers as they are expected to keep

up to date with the current designs to create a more 

extraordinary and smashing design with the combination of 

technology to improvise on their designs. Designs used to 

be in the solid form, but today it is possible to create four 

dimension designs by adding motion and effects to their 

creation to make it more unique and special.